How to Lower The Action on an Electric Guitar

The lower guitar is not only helpful for you; sometimes, it creates so many problems to play. However, for extra loud, the guitarist uses this action. If you have an electric guitar, then you should now the action of your guitar. Today, I will discuss this section. I hope that after reading this content, you have not found any action problems. Or, if you find your guitar action, then you can change through the below guidelines.

How to Lower The Action on an Electric Guitar

What is guitar action?

Guitar action is an action that refers to the height of the guitar and strings over the frets. This action plays a vital role, which helps every guitarist play guitar perfectly. There two types of guitar one are high, and the other is low. Both are much important for any of the guitarists. However, if you want to play the guitar perfectly, you will find tech and know about the guitar action. I hope that you can understand why you should know the action of the guitar?

What is the lower action of the guitar?

The lower action is easier to push the string down to the fret, but it more possible to your fret will buzz. The different guitar comes with the different lower action. Some popular brands used different actions such as Fender electric guitar, which has a 9.5-inch fingerboard radius and 4/64 inch between frets and fingerboard. However, I hope that now it is clear to you about this lower action of the guitar. But most of the people do not use a low action guitar because it makes some issue.

Tune the guitar

Before playing any kind of guitar, please check your guitar action is high or low. Moreover, too high action or too low action both are not good enough for every guitar. Moreover, for the perfect tune of your guitar, you just need to set up your action. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this section. So, I suggest you set up your action medium level, not too much high action or not too much low action.

The Ruler place over the frets

This is another important section that helps you to get a natural tune from your guitar. However, you should need to place the action gauge or the ruler over the 12th frets. I think it is one of the best things for you. If you are a beginner, then you must follow this section. Another thing you should remember that the ruler ticks are parallel to the strings. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this section. So, without any doubt, you should try this section.

How to lower the action on an electric guitar?

It is so simple and workable. You may need some tools to low the action of your electric guitar. But the lower action also depends on your guitar style. There are so many guitars in the market you can find. You may change so many things sometimes, and you should change the height of the guitar and sometimes tight or loosen the nuts. Moreover, make sure you may allow the adjust height across the entire bridge. I hope that you can understand this action.

Tools you need

  • StewMac basic guitar kits
  • Height ruler of string action
  • Fingerboard and string radius gauge
  • Action your guitar adjustment kit

The guitar action depends on so many things. If your guitar action is high or low they something wrong with your guitar. It is hard enough to play the guitar if your guitar low or high action. So many guitarists suggest playing the guitar with medium action. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this section. Follow the rules and repair your guitar as soon as possible.

First: Adjust your guitar with truss rod

The truss rod is a piece of metal, and it adjusts with the neck of the guitar. Most of the guitar neck causes high or low action. You can remove the action or set up perfect action to tight or lose the neck. If you do it without any problems, then I hope that it may solve and you can get perfect action.

Second: Adjust the neck or nuts

However, this is another important section that helps you to get an ideal action of your guitar. Most of the guitar seven nuts lose, but I don’t know why they do that. However, You should set up this section and then watch I hope that you can set the action with your own. The action of the neck measure at the first fret. So, without any doubts, you should apply this section, and I hope that you can find all of the solutions to the problems.

Third: Bridge

The most vital part and each of the guitarists maintain this section for the natural tune. If you have an electric guitar, then you will see that most of the guitar has a different bridge. You just apply each of the bridge and see that which is good enough for you. So, you just need to adjust the bridge of your guitar and focus on them. However, I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this section.


Q: Should I lower the action of my guitar?
A: The lower action produces so loud, and it is ideal for you if you play the guitar with your finger. So, the answer is that you can play it.

Q: Is guitar action too high?
A: You may better know than me. However, if your guitar action is high, then you may get hard enough to play the guitar. I hope that you can understand it.

Q: Is a lower action guitar play hard enough?
A: Yes, I think so. Most of the guitarist suggests that lower action is hard enough to play. I hope that you can find all of the questions answer.


However, if you are a newbie and wanted to learn serious guitar, you will know about this section. I hope that this content helpful for you and you may enjoy it a lot. If you have an exact question, please feel free to contact me so that I can help you. I hope that you have not any problems after reading this content deeply. So, if your guitar now the wrong action, please repair it and enjoy yourself a lot.

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